
Soluciones reales y fáciles de implementar / Real and easy to implement solutions

SOLUCIONES es lo que en la empresa siempre se busca.
Si las soluciones son EFECTIVAS os guiaran fácilmente a resultados REALES y si resultan fáciles de implementar de inmediato la inversión habrá valido el esfuerzo!!!

SOLUTIONS is what a company is always looking for. If the solutions are effective they will guide you in an easy way to real results and if there is possible to implement immediatelly investment would pay the effort!!

domingo, 15 de diciembre de 2013

Quieres ir al cine? Cómo organizas tu ida al cine?

Es sábado y te has levantado temprano.
Se acaba de prender la radio de tu despertador y alguien está hablando. Hay música y están comentando las últimas películas del cine. Te encanta ir al cine y hace tiempo que no vas!
Tu primer pensamiento: “Ah! Me encantaría ir al cine! Hace mucho que no voy”
Sigues escuchando cada vez más emocionado con la idea de ir al cine.
Tu segundo pensamiento: “A quien será que puedo llamar para que vayamos juntos?”
Sigues escuchando sin embargo ya hay una nube que te impide realmente ver si lograras ir al cine o no.
Tu siguiente pensamiento: “Mi amigo Juan no va a poder, mi amigo Pedro trabaja, mi amigo Carlos seguro tiene otra cosa”
Y así a medida que pasan las horas la idea inicial de ir al cine se empieza a esfumar pues nadie podrá ir contigo y no sabes que hacer para lograrlo.
Muy simple! Cuando esto ocurre invita a esa persona que siempre está contigo y es incondicional: TU MISMO!
Ve al cine contigo mismo! Qué te parece esa idea?
Pensamiento uno: “Y si me encuentro con alguien? que va a decir de que me vio solo en el cine?”
Pensamiento dos: “Me voy a encontrar con alguien de mi familia que me empezará a nacer preguntas y no estoy dispuesto a responder!” Y de repente te viene el bajón y te pones de mal humor de que esto pudiera ocurrir.
Así es como nos pasan muchas cosas en la vida. No sólo perdernos películas por no aprender a invitar a quien nunca nos dirá que no, sino por sentirnos abrumados por historias que son únicamente historias, que alimentan a los demás, ni siquiera a ti mismo.
Es hora de darte cuenta que eres tú quien pierde tantas cosas si no empiezas a tomar decisiones congruentes en lugar de decisiones emocionales.
Tu vida la vives tú, tus experiencias de vida las elijes tú y si nadie puede acompañarte,  no importa, puedes ir sólo y disfrutar de una película, un evento, una reunión sin seguir esperando lo que no va a ocurrir, mientras vives en un tiempo que no es el tuyo.
Aprende a valorar tu propio tiempo!! Recuérdalo la próxima vez que estés a punto de perderte algo de lo que te gustaría disfrutar

Esther Coronel de Iberkleid
"The Clarity Mentor"
Life Changing Coach
“My Journey toward YOUR success – The Magic Wand of Life”
“Transforming YOUR Life from the first Session”
Cel: (591) 730 07479
La Paz - Bolivia

Por información adicional de las actividades de Esther puedes leer estos artículos

Quién es Esther?

Cuando una persona decide contratar a un Coach?

De qué nos deprimimos las mujeres?

Cansado de dar órdenes que no funcionan?

Existe un Secreto para motivara los Empleados? 

Líderes Visionarios conscientes, construyen un legado con impacto social que escribe la historia! Aprende cómo ser conocido y escuchado en el mundo global hoy para ser recordado por siempre! Te invito a leer sobre "LOS 3 ERRORES QUE TE IMPIDEN TENER LOS RESULTADOS QUE DESEAS, PARA DEJAR UN LEGADO COMO LÍDER SOCIAL" al registrarte en esta página 

Entérate inmediatamente Como Atraer A Tu Mente Sol Y Luz mientras estás en la oficina

miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2013

Why my friend does not have a car?

How many friends do you have today? How many friends did you have in your life? Along our journey we go through life experiences, and meet people from many different venues daily. We keep in touch with some of them and may never see again others. We may suddenly meet again after many years and we may as well never leave others.
I have been wondering if it is important where or when we became friends. A friend is and will remain to be a friend no matter where we met, when we met and if we left him or not. And we know who they are.
Did you know that when you grow up with people, even though you may have disappeared from their life for years, as soon as you meet again it is like you never left them? I was not aware about that fact as I am today. This happened to me and it was like magic. I am still thinking about the miracle since it definitely changed my life. It has been like a safe place from where to see life again; a reference I had forgotten, that life was showing me, exists. It showed up as a missing link, connecting with my identity. Oh yes!!! It totally worked like that! And it blew me away for days trying to find that meaning. A very rewarding experience I will never forget and will value in my heart forever. And I would have never been able to say that, before going through the experience myself as I did, not long time ago.
Some friends come and go from our life. Many years ago, I met a friend from a training course in a different country where I travelled. The first time we met, we were both at the same place, walking our journey, beginning our career. We both had dreams and desires. We both wanted to build projects and grow in our life. This was years ago. When we met again, after a long period of time, we were not at that same place. Our journeys were not the same. I realize today, that even though we all have paradigms, some of us work on them while others don´t. The reasons may be many. It is when we believe in those paradigms, that we keep stacked in one place waiting for the miracle to happen not taking action and responsibility about our own life.
Things never ever happen overnight and there is a lot of work to do as soon as we make a decision on a topic. After the decision is made, comes a plan, and together with it, a strategy has to be created!
I am sure many people work very hard. So why is it that some people achieve things and others don´t. What makes the difference? Why some people reach their goals dreams and desires and others are unable?
The difference is the mind set of each person around us. There will be people that believe in each and every paradigm they hear so they live with fear and are unable to move or walk forward in life.
It is only when you believe you can achieve something that you will get to your destination. When you know and feel deep inside your being that you deserve something, you will get to reach that something. Because you will finally vibrate with the right energy that will simply attract that something and manifestation will happen in your life.
When you let the circumstances manage your life instead of you manage the circumstances, you will always see obstacles in the road, and these obstacles block your manifestation.
Think about it, meditate and design a plan and a strategy to reach your destination with certainty, knowing all the benefits you will receive after understanding how to manifest those desires.
This is not about how old you are. This is about dreams and desires. This is about your ability to discover your life purpose. This has no age, there is no restriction, and as soon as you take action and work on your new mindset your life will change forever and you will never again be the same.
I told my friend, the reason why he was unable to buy the car he wanted, was his mindset since he believed in scarcity instead of abundance and he believed in paradigms that were blocking his ability to manifest the car he wanted to have.
Today he made the decision, created a plan and strategy and he is working on developing a new mind set, understanding that he is the only one to define and manifest his destination!

Esther Coronel de Iberkleid
"The Clarity Mentor"
Life Changing Coach
“My Journey toward YOUR success – The Magic Wand of Life”
“Transforming YOUR Life from the first Session”
Cel: (591) 730 07479
La Paz - Bolivia

For additional information, you can benefit from these resources:

Who is Esther? 

When do people decide to hire a coach?

Today I met him: “The story of George”

Do you know how to generate the trust you need to have the followers you want?

3 Insider Secrets to help Successful Entrepreneurs and Leaders enjoy more time with family and friends work less and still be productive

About Trust today and why trusting 

Conscious Visionary Leaders, build a legacy with social impact that makes history! Learn how to be known and be heard in the global world today to be remembered forever

Receive my activities breaking news to your inbox as soon as they appear when you register to

lunes, 15 de julio de 2013

Sobre Pioneros Catalizadores y Agentes de Cambio

El mundo necesita pioneros catalizadores y agentes de cambio.
Cuál es la verdadera razón para que hoy lo esté afirmando? Veamos uno por uno.

Qué es un pionero?

Muchos de nosotros hemos usado o escuchado este término en relación a personas que migran de un país a otro e inician algo nuevo en muchas ocasiones. Es gente que posee visión, que posee fuerza de querer lograr resultados reales a sus ideas. Son personas que imaginan y crean sin considerar obstáculos de por medio. Esto no significa que los obstáculos no existan, sin embargo no los consideran de la misma forma que otros los consideran. Son aquellas personas que a través de crear en sus mentes ideas crean también los caminos para llevarlos a cabo;  se vuelven líderes en un área de conocimiento o de desarrollo de ciertas actividades en su sociedad, y en muchas ocasiones pasan las fronteras.

Qué es un Catalizador?

Como Química puedo decir que un Catalizador es una sustancia que acelera o inhibe la velocidad de una reacción química. Esto metafóricamente significa que hay personas que actúan como aceleradores para que las cosas ocurran, así como hay otras personas que operan de una manera opuesta.
En la sociedad generalmente el término se relaciona con quienes hacen que las cosas ocurran más de prisa o simplemente qué ocurran en vez de que se demoren años para que se lleven a cabo.

Qué es un agente de cambio?

Un agente de cambio es aquella persona que ve y percibe que algo no funciona correctamente o no le está ayudando a otras personas y decide buscar un nuevo camino para que pueda ser implementado y le sirva a las personas de una manera positiva.

Muchas veces los pioneros son a la vez catalizadores y agentes de cambio.

En la vida todos alguna vez pasamos por situaciones complicadas. Pensamos que no existe una solución para salir del problema que estamos viviendo. Y esto nos lleva a hundirnos aun más. Por lo cual cada vez vemos menos. Cada vez estamos más lejos de salir a respirar el aire fresco. Estamos hundiéndonos en un pantano sin poder salir ni movernos.

Es muy importante para encontrar la solución a un determinado problema, pensar que todo tiene solución. El simple hecho de entender que hay una solución nos permite movernos y sentirnos diferentes. Pues es desde nuestra propia actitud frente al problema que podremos ayudarnos a nosotros mismos a resolverlo o no resolverlo jamás.
Esto significa que si bien la solución existe la tenemos que buscar. Tenemos que hacer algo para encontrarla. La solución no toca la puerta sin embargo está dentro nuestro esperando ser descubierta. Por qué esto es así? Porque este es el proceso de crecimiento que pasamos todos al evolucionar.

 Cómo podemos encontrar soluciones a los problemas que nos aquejan?

Primero mirando la vida de una nueva manera, siendo partícipes de hacer cosas diferentes que nos lleven a resultados diferentes. Es excelente compartir y contar lo que nos pasa y ver de qué manera lo que hicimos le puede servir a otro pero si no tomamos parte y nos zambullimos a la piscina no logramos resultados distintos a los que tuvimos hasta ahora.

Por qué a veces no funciona igual lo que nos dicen que les funcionó a otros? 

Porque aunque escuchemos lo que nos cuenten tenemos que implementarlo de una manera diferente para que nos funcione a nosotros. No somos clones! Nadie es clon de nadie! Cada persona tiene su propio camino y sus propias experiencias y las herramientas que encontramos en el camino tienen que ser adecuadas para que nos sirvan a nosotros. Este proceso se llama aprendizaje.

Es muy importante actuar. 

Qué significa actuar? Significa dejar de ser pasivo y empezar a implementar nuevas estrategias que funcionen acorde a quienes somos nosotros.

Cómo implementar estas nuevas estrategias si nos morimos del susto de hacerlo pues no sabemos qué paso dar primero? 

Esto nos ha pasado a todos en un comienzo.
Qué camino seguir sin dejar que las emociones nos manejen y manipulen y nos sintamos paralizados sin poder movernos ni poder tomar una decisión?

Lo más importante es buscar la ayuda de un profesional con la debida experiencia y en quien podamos confiar plenamente, que nos lleve de la mano a caminar seguros y confiados hacia encontrar soluciones a lo que estamos emprendiendo para resolver nuestro asunto específico o problema.

El tiempo es hoy y cuanto más temprano se emprenda ese camino más pronto se verán resultados diferentes, a los que tuvimos hasta ahora y se sufrirá menos. A nadie le gusta sufrir! El miedo es lo que nos hace quedarnos paralizados sin poder movernos, ni actuar, ni tomar decisiones.

Cuando tenemos un problema lo que hay que hacer es ponerse la mano al pecho y preguntarse: Qué necesito hacer para poder salir de este problema?  Necesito una guía paso a paso para llevar adelante un plan y una estrategia que me permitan resolver el problema.

Por qué necesito buscar ayuda? 

Por qué los seres humanos sin el debido apoyo para entender nuestro comportamiento emocional nos desmoronamos y terminamos hundiéndonos más aun. Todos pasamos por esto pues un problema nos impide ver claro, y las emociones nos nublan la visión y el poder percibir los caminos de resolución. Esto es lo que nos ocurre! Pero no lo sabemos y buscamos un culpable.
Nos vemos tan abrumados que no sabemos qué herramientas usar. Esto es normal, no significa nada malo sino simplemente que somos seres humanos cumpliendo un rol determinado y caminando un camino a través del cual vinimos a aprender lecciones de vida que nos permitirán crecer y evolucionar entendiendo quiénes somos y procesando la información con la cual vinimos a vivir nuestra vida.

Es muy importante considerar un guía que nos apoye en el proceso. Por qué? 

Para poder resolver los retos más fácilmente y en menos tiempo que si lo hiciéramos solos, para vivir la vida plenamente en vez de seguir sufriendo eternamente.
A usted le gusta sufrir o prefiere vivir su vida plenamente más rápido resolviendo lo que haya que resolver entendiendo la lección y caminando hacia adelante feliz?
Ser feliz es una decisión personal, es un camino! Las pruebas de vida pueden ser complicadas y dolorosas. Sabemos que nos fortalecen y también es importante saber que tenemos derecho de buscar ayuda para salir más rápido de ese camino de piedras y espinas para volver a caminar con la mente despejada, una mejor visión, más empuje y motivación nuestra vida.
Cuál es el camino que usted eligió?

Esther Coronel de Iberkleid
"The Clarity Mentor" 
Life Changing Coach 
“My Journey toward YOUR success – The Magic Wand of Life” 
“Transforming YOUR Life from the first Session”
Cel: (591) 730 07479 
La Paz - Bolivia

Por información adicional de las actividades de Esther puedes leer estos artículos

lunes, 24 de junio de 2013

Do you need SUPPORT for implementation in your business?

I offer you the key to open that door?

After 35 years in education I know that when I mentor/tutor a student/client, in the process of learning, he has to FIRST UNDERSTAND the topic, to be clear about it to implement or use it successfully.
Once he has clarity he is able to visualize and imagine what to do with the new TOOL or piece of information he learned. It is from there he can develop confidence and self-esteem to grow even more and evolve integrating the knowledge with his own creativity!
Success does not happen overnight! It is possible to achieve success; still it takes time and hard work, since it is a process! For everyone on earth it is like that! You have to work to achieve it by understanding what you want to do first!
If you are an expert, a coach, a writer, a health or wealth professional, a teacher, an artist or any other person selling a product, program or service online or blending online with offline for a specific target market you have  to FIRST UNDERSTAND what you are meant to do.
Once you know which is your purpose, you will be able to step by step integrate from who you are, the TOOLS that are the best fit for your offer, to create and build your own platform to deliver your products.
We are going through a revolution today and we have to learn a new language to communicate online. If you do not understand the language you will be unable to communicate with your target market the best you can.
This is not one size fits all!
The challenge today is the integration of Social Media with your Purpose and Passion to find your road to follow.
I know when it comes to Social Media everything looks to be confusing and overwhelming!  The truth is that at the beginning it really is!  Even though the world uses Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, the question is how can you benefit from Social Media when you feel being in the wild west? It also happened to me. I have been there at the beginning. I get your feelings and concern: “Which one is the right for me? How many hours a day will I need to find leads in Social Media? This is exhausting!  It is overwhelming!”
I know you want to cry as I wanted years ago when I decided to jump online, knowing nothing about it and feeling lost in an ocean of new knowledge and different languages and networks having like you 24 hours in a day, wishing I had 48 hours instead!

Which is the truth about social media? How does it work?

Social Media is part of the new world, the new way of doing Business today.
It gives you the power of communicating with the whole world from your own computer, your own desk, from your office or from home! But you still need to find which the model is for your own Business. There are many models and not one that fits all businesses!

How much money would you pay to reach all these potential leads in person?

I decided years ago to learn the TOOLS and languages of the online world. Then I integrated these TOOLS with my Purpose, Vision, Mission and Passion finding the missing links to develop the platform suitable for my own business.

This is why I decided to offer support, guidance and mentoring to help you integrate everything you already developed to offer your products using the Business Model that will best work for you, your offer and your target market.

I can imagine how hard you did work and how you feel about not taking off from your airport yet. As I said before, this is absolutely not “one size fits all” You are as unique as your business is. You deserve to FIRST UNDERSTAND to be able to choose the specific tools for you, facing fears, old beliefs and concepts you will have to deal with as soon as possible to step into who you really are and what you are meant to do!

You need a mentor that did it “hands on” and understands what you want to achieve, to guide you have clarity, confidence and self-esteem to reach your personal and business goals.

This is about your purpose and your passion and how you will find your tribe. It is about how to step into your own power to speak with them from a safe and secure place for you to share and for them to listen and value, because only when you speak the language that connects both parts, it works.

As soon as they will know who you are, the process begins, and if they will like what you do, and trust you, they will recognize you as the expert to go to because you offer them “the solution” to “the specific problem” they want to solve.

You cannot do that walking in the dark road of the unknown! You need to connect the dots to see the big picture of your business and see how the pieces, bolts and nuts, integrate as a whole balanced entity! It has to make sense to you and them! There has to be a synergy! There has to be “energy in motion” (Emotion) connecting you!

I invite you to schedule a conversation with me to know more about how I can support you implement what you learned and developed already to deliver your gift in a consistent way according to who you are, what you offer and your target market integrating your purpose and passion to the blend.

What will you get by working with me privately?
  • -      Clarity about who you are and your offer,
  • -      Narrow your target market, understanding how to connect with them on Social Media
  • -      Integrate purpose mission vision and passion with ease
  • -      Wrap and craft your offer according to your specific target market
  • -      Develop a Social Media presence to be heard and be seen
  • -      Time management and organization to use Social Media effectively
  • -      Learn how to connect the dots from Purpose, Vision, Mission and Passion to deliver your products using Social Media as an important TOOL today

Are you ready to take off and finally end struggling bringing your wisdom to life? I am here to support you implement what you already have. This is not a new course and more staff! This is the help you need to shine your own light in real time. Because you already did a lot of work and just need integration to see your own BIG PICTURE!
I invite you to take action as soon as possible, since I do not have a lot of space and spots are filling quickly. This is not a work done in group. This is me and you working together!
You may already have pieces created you need and if there are pieces missing I will guide you create them to integrate all together toward the big picture of the business you want to see!
I invite you to send me a mail to with the title:Support for implementation” to schedule a free conversation about how we can work together to join the dots and take off your shining message to the world

Esther Coronel de Iberkleid
"The Clarity Mentor"
Life Changing Coach
“My Journey toward YOUR success – The Magic Wand of Life”
“Transforming YOUR Life from the first Session”
Cel: (591) 730 07479
La Paz - Bolivia

For additional information, you can benefit from these resources:

Who is Esther? 

When do people decide to hire a coach?

Today I met him: “The story of George”

Do you know how to generate the trust you need to have the followers you want?

3 Insider Secrets to help Successful Entrepreneurs and Leaders enjoy more time with family and friends work less and still be productive

About Trust today and why trusting 

Conscious Visionary Leaders, build a legacy with social impact that makes history! Learn how to be known and be heard in the global world today to be remembered forever

Receive my activities breaking news to your inbox as soon as they appear when you register to

martes, 4 de junio de 2013



Revolution: from Wikipedia  A revolution (from the Latin revolutio, "a turn around") is a fundamental change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time.

We are talking here about a change in organizational structures  and this is exactly what I believe is happening all around us about  communications,  connections ,  networking  and how things are going to be done from now on. It will be impossible to go back in time in this regard!

You may smile or not, fell good or feel bad, still this is the road we will all, have to walk. So it will be better that you bring your hands to this dough sooner than later to benefit from today´s revolution, as soon as possible instead of keeping yourself  complaining , upset or even sometimes frustrated!

I understand how you feel since I have also been there, complaining , frustrated and resisting the change, since the moment I understood this is the new order, the new language, the new way of thinking and a tool to evolve.

I recommend you to breathe and continue reading since possibly not only may this be easier than you imagined, it can also be fun. Do you remember when you were young, everything you did having fun, was easy? As well everything you did complaining with frustration was difficult and you even do not remember it.

Yes I know many people see the objections first, because they resist change. What if  you are open to the possibility that technology is a solution instead of a problem in your daily life. Things will never go back again, so you better get involved in this revolution!

As many of you, I was not born in the “computer age” (Information age). Now I understand my life could have been easier than it has been, if I would have a computer at the University. Still this was not the journey  I had to walk and experience. This is why today, I can sense the "before" and "after" “computer age” (Information age)". 

Human beings do not like change and resist the “change. We have examples in our own life. All of us may have suffered from something because we resisted the change  not even wishing to make a decision that may have brought more peace and joy to our life. We were possibly not aware about that.

We get lost, confused and insecure in front of a possible change. It is much better to stay where we are than to change anything around us.

This is the reason why, people that were not born in the “computer age” (Information age) feel anxiety when facing this change! They do not want to listen about the topic.

This is what brought my attention to think about the fact there is a transition to go through and there is a need of a mentor to teach the new language to all the people feeling stacked about technology since even though I believe they have the right to feel that way, they will stay there if they do not find quickly a solution to solve the problem.

What if you were able to learn this new language of technology  as you did learn to write and speak at school? With a clear methodology understanding the "behind the scenes of your monitor"?

I hear many people say “I am too old”, “I am too tired”, “I do not have the concentration I used to have” All these are excuses that keep you in the same place instead of taking the first step to experience the change that is paralyzing you today in your mind!

When we are young we first learn the language of home, communicating with our family, our sisters and brothers; then we learn some new words from friends at school. If we move to another country we learn a new language. Many of us even learned different languages. All these required a certain preparation from the outside to the inside to let go fear and feel safe and secure again.

Today the new rules, the new language and the new tools are outside waiting for us to make the decision and move forward to use them and improve how we do things.
It is important to learn and understand how they are used and what they can do for us, to decide which ones to use. We may benefit from one and not the other one exactly as you benefit from learning English instead of French if you live in an English speaking country.

It is time to demystify the fact these new tools are just for the young people that were born in computer age” (Information age). These tools are for all of us

This is why since my passion is teaching, I decided to teach this new language, because I believe without knowing a language we will never be able to be heard and be seen in the world, and we all have the right to achieve it.

Esther Coronel de Iberkleid
"The Clarity Mentor"
Life Changing Coach
“My Journey toward YOUR success – The Magic Wand of Life”
“Transforming YOUR Life from the first Session”
Cel: (591) 730 07479
La Paz - Bolivia

For additional information,  you can benefit from these resources:

Who is Esther? 

When do people decide to hire a coach?

Today I met him: “The story of George”

Do you know how to generate the trust you need to have the followers you want?

3 Insider Secrets to help Successful Entrepreneurs and Leaders enjoy more time with family and friends work less and still be productive

About Trust today and why trusting 

Conscious Visionary Leaders, build a legacy with social impact that makes history! Learn how to be known and be heard in the global world today to be remembered forever